I'm Ariel Davis!
I create responsive, unique, websites for your brand

100 % Job Success Score
Top Rated on Upwork!

I strive for the design and development of beautiful and immersive websites that reflect your brand and ideals using a combination of design, animations, and Webflow.


Recent Client Projects

Some of my recent projects that display past work with some of my wonderful clients

Sonia Website Example
Sonia Website example
Earthy Chics Example
Earthy Chics Example
Design Never Sleeps Example
Design Never Sleeps Example

I bring your passion to fruition, from design to development

UI/UX Design

Create unique brand identity!
Focus on accessibility and personality!
Scalable design system to ensure growth!


Built to stay true to the design!
Responsiveness across all devices!
Customized code that creates immersive interactions!
3+ years of Software Engineering experience!


Ensure your website is highly discoverable
Follow proper Lighthouse standards
Perform continuous inspections to guarantee a high SEO score

The Process



Submit a request to get everything started. Within the next 24 hours we will have scheduled a call where we will get to discuss your goals and preferences for your project. I'll ask questions about what your business is, the target audience, any existing competitors, and any unique functionalities you'd like.



After our call, I'll provide a detailed estimate that includes pricing and timelines. This estimate will outline the entire scope of the project. This includes deliverables, milestones, and deadlines.



Using Figma, we'll closely work together in order to create multiple wireframes and design until you are 100% satisfied with the look and feel of your custom website.



After finalizing your design, we'll move to Webflow where I will send over constant updates on the process and deliverables that are met. This will also be where any custom code and interactions that will truly bring your website to life will be implemented.



After reviewing the final product together, I'll safely send the website or exported code over to you. If being hosted via webflow, I will provide the option to get your website up and running for you!


About Ariel

Hello, I'm Ariel Davis. I'm a software engineer based in Atlanta who has taken a strong liking to Webflow and web application design. After graduating from Flatiron School - a 16 week coding bootcamp, I developed web applications as a full stack developer for 2 years. I now work as a freelance Webflow developer, striving to provide innovative, modern and unique websites for my clients!

ariel davis

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I’d love to work together!

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